Controlling Your Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a type of lipid: a waxy fat like substance found in the body cells which moves throughout the blood. Apart from foods from animal sources such as egg yolks,meat,and cheese,the liver naturally produces most of the cholesterol in the body.
 Cholesterol is important for producing cell membranes and cell structures. It is also very vital for the synthesis of hormones, vitamin D, and other substances that can help to digest food. In other words,cholesterol helps the cell membrane form layers that protect the contents of the cell and watch against anything that can enter or leave the cell. Cholesterol is also used by the liver to produce bile which helps to digest foods. Considering its importance,why do we worry about too much of it in the body? The answer is this:it important to have enough cholesterol that's the body needs; but having excess cholesterol in the body is unhealthy. This leads us to discuss in the two main types of cholesterol: the high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density cholesterol (LDL). HDL also known as good cholesterol carries cholesterol from other parts of the body back to the Liver where as LDL also known as bad cholesterol enhances a buildup of cholesterol and arteries high cholesterol which is often an excess of LDL is a condition called hypercholesterolemia. A blood test called a lipoprotein profile is used to determine this condition.
 When high cholesterol is left untreated, it breeds health issues such as stroke, heart attack,or other heart diseases.
 This is why it is very necessary to get your cholesterol levels checked regularly. If your test shows a high level of LDL, your doctor  may prescribe  other additional test and prescribe some medications to improve your cholesterol, or advise you to improve on your life-to eat responsibly, consult a dietician or nutritionist to help you develop a meal plan.
Also regular exercise and physical activities additional advantages in maintaining good cholesterol.
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