How Important Is Breakfast?

Breakfast is the food eaten in the morning to break the long night fasting. It is the most important meal of the day and it is extremely beneficial to your health and well-being. It enhances better memory and improve your productivity. It supports better health, mood and look. Although its timing varies, depending on the individual's need and schedule, nutritionists advise that breakfast should be eaten within 2 hours of waking up because it's stabilizes your blood sugar which drops when you wake up in the morning.
 A healthy breakfast contains all nutrients the body requires to carry out its daily activities without breaking down. It low is low density lipoprotein (LDL)-bad cholesterol and the risk of heart diseases, diabetes,and obesity.
Majorly, the body needs breakfast rich in protein (especially),carbohydrates,vitamins, and minerals. 
As important as breakfast is, a lot of people avoid it. Skipping breakfast is unhealthy,and it is associated with a health hazards such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. More so, it increases blood pressure and the risk of cancer. It reduces concentration and productivity. Even, children who don't eat breakfast could have low grades in school. Avoiding breakfast drops your immunity and increases your acidity level which can cause stomach ulcer. Headache or migraine, and dizziness due to lack of glucose and also constant experiences of those who skip breakfast. 
So I hereby advise you to always make sure you take your breakfast no matter how busy you are. 
 Thank you for reading my today's post kindly check below for more helpful health issues.
